
The BMPA handles student fees and fundraising for the organizations it serves.

BMPA Transaction Request Form V10.0.pdf

BMPA Transaction Form

version 10

BMPA Transaction Request Form Appendix Version 1.0.pdf

Transaction Form Appendix

BMPA Finance Polices and Procedures


 Payment Requests

Payment requests for expenses associated with the music groups must be signed by the director. For BMPA fundraisers (Concessions, E-books, Fruit Sale), the requests can be signed by BMPA officers or chairpersons. Payment requests can not be signed by the payee (with the exception of the music group directors).

 Special Events

 If the group director wants to give authority for payment requests to a special event director (Show Choir Classic, Weekend of Jazz, etc.), the

 NSF Checks

BMPA Financial Policies in addition to Constitutional Procedures


Using Tax Exempt Status

April 2015


Volunteer Recognition

May 2014